Let Go

Many of us in our life time have experienced psychological sufferings.  Sometimes it could be so severe that we felt that we might even abandon our lives to get rid of the pain in our hearts.

In these dark moments, we need hold the belief that although there are many obstacles and hardship, we can finally get through them, and time will heal the wounds.

Let go of those who don't love you; let go the jobs you don't like; and let go the fame and temptation that don't belong to you.  You should know that nine out of ten times our expectations for life may not be fulfilled.

The older we become, the more we realize that we are really trivial in this world.  Most of the time our promise to our families and our desire for self-realization may not be achieved.

To live is actually a state of mind.  Don't let yourself fall into obsession.

In our life time, it is certain that we get slapped by reality many times.  Even those who seem successful and smooth in other people's eyes, their hearts could be riddled with holes others might not see.

The truth of life is that most of us do our best just to live an ordinary and simple life.

Who said this? "No matter how beautiful or how frustrated you were yesterday, when tomorrow comes, you must get up and continue to live because you choose to believe tomorrow will be better than yesterday", "Life was never about being happy, it was survival. You did what you could do to get by. When moments of happiness arrive, embrace them but don't hold on too tightly -- they are fleeting."

In fact, there is no secret of how to live well.  You just muddle through, take whatever come up a time.  When you toughly stick to it in the dark and look back later on, you then realize that you have come a long way.

Life always gives us a barrage of difficulties, making us tired and desperate.  But if you look at it from a different aspect, you will find that even in despair there is still beautiful scenery around you.

The most difficult practice in life actually is to reconcile with yourself.  Accept your failure, accept your ordinary, accept the hardship of life.

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